
Why this site exists

The 2018-2020 wildfires in California are one of the reasons this site exists. Our family had just spent a great weekend with friends and on the 3 hour journey home the kids were coughing and complaining about sore throats etc. I had no idea up until that point just how bad the air could get so I started doing some research. It turns out that in the air contribute to as much as 4 million deaths per year.

Airborne particulates are the sixth leading risk factor in premature deaths globally.

Our Situation

We live in a house with no air filters and no central AC. We’ve been using portable air conditioning units for at least a decade without realising they can be a massive contributor to bad air quality when the air outside is bad. What I discovered is that our Indoor Air Quality during the 2020 wildfires was extremely unhealthy and was worse than almost anywhere else in the world i.e. Beijing, Delhi. The air we’re breathing is poison.

I started investigating air quality and how to clean it and what I discovered was a lot of misinformation on filtering air and how to do it effectively. A lot of the expensive air purifiers are using fear to market their products. Given the seriousness of the problem and the potential health benefits of clean air in your home I think a lot of the air filtration companies are being unethical in their approach hence this site.

Disclaimer / Caveat Emptor

Your situation may vary from mine so please do your own testing and make your own decisions and figure out what works for you.